Guiding Principles for Our Work Together
Discover your strengths. Our work begins with your strengths. Often our strengths are an outgrowth of things we do naturally and when they are highlighted, we can become more intentional and grow in our craft of teaching writers. Other times, our strengths are a springboard into solving the issues of writing workshop.Your strengths and knowledge will be honored as you are nudged to deepen your understanding and implementation of best practices in teaching writers.
Play to learn. Our work together nudges risk taking and a playful attitude toward writing workshop. I will encourage you to play as a writer and a teacher through reflective practice and best practice strategies, ultimately strengthening your craft as an educator.
Build on celebrations. Teaching writers is messy work. By learning to value the approximations and finding the celebration in the chaos, your instruction will be transformed. As students gain confidence in themselves as writers, they begin to take risks and grow in their ability to craft well and use Standard English.